(Part 3 of a four-part series on Trees, Accent plants, and Landscaping)
Have you ever noticed that many beautifully landscaped lawns look pretty much the same? You often see the same pretty, colorful plants, trees, and flowers used in different ways in landscape designs, yet they all look the same. If you want your landscaping to stand out from others, or if you are simply tired of seeing the same plants and flowers everywhere, just one unique accent plant strategically placed can make all the difference in the appearance of your yard.
Today, let’s talk about some unique accent plants, their features, and ideas about where to plant them to perfectly fit into your landscape.
PeeGee Hydrangea, Tree Form

The PeeGee Hydrangea may just be the most unique accent plant as it is technically a flowering shrub that can be trained to be a tree. In late summer, it produces large panicles of gorgeous white flowers that bloom until the first frost. The treetop grows in an umbrella shape that provides a unique, elegant appearance. To maintain the tree form, the branches are removed from the bottom three-fourths every spring. The PeeGee Hydrangea is very versatile and can be used as a centerpiece in a garden or in a container and moved around.
Curly Leaf Ligustrum

The Curly Leaf Ligustrum is a popular, dwarf evergreen shrub, meaning it maintains its leaves throughout the year. The shiny, glossy leaves, as well as the way the leaves wrap around the branches, are the highlights of this beautiful shrub. An excellent addition to feature as an entrance to a garden, it also does well in containers. Placed near the deck, porch, or patio, the Curly Leaf Ligustrum is certain to add color and texture to your landscape. A lover of sandy soil, it will also do well in clay based soil and is highly drought and heat tolerant.
Espalier Blue Atlas Cedar

Also known as the Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar, the twisting, weeping, long branches of this evergreen have bright blue needles that droop around the trunk providing a spectacular sight. This evergreen can be trellised, espaliered, or grown as a tree. Its unique characteristics make it a perfect plant for any space in your landscape where it will grab the attention and interest of visitors. It grows best in loamy soil and full sun, but it will tolerate other soils with the exception of soil with poor drainage. The twisted branches of this unique accent plant provide year-round charm.
Dwarf Hinoki Cypress
With deep green fan-like growth this evergreen tree grows to intermediate or semi-dwarf brightens landscapes in the winter and adds depth to the summer plants and flowers. Although this evergreen can grow to 15’, it is a slender, very slow growing tree that fits reasonably well in a small space and will be enjoyed for many years. The Hinoki Cypress has a very soft appearance at maturity and, while young, the branches seem to twist and turn every which way. Use a pair of these slender, lush trees symmetrically to brighten your landscape, but make sure it receives full sun and is planted in well-draining soil.
If you would like more information on unique accent plants or help with incorporating them into your landscape, contact Hyatt Landscaping, Inc. at 704-888-5390. We have over 30 years’ professional landscaping experience and have built a solid reputation on honesty, dependability, and hard work. Next week, we will wrap up this four-part series with tips for choosing the right plants for the right places. We hope you’ll join us!