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3 Tips for Getting Your Yard Spring Ready

A long cold winter can wreak havoc on your lawn; even if you live in an area with a milder climate, such as Charlotte, NC, your lawn will need some TLC to get it ready for spring and summer. A landscaper in Charlotte can help keep your lawn looking fresh and green all summer long; here are some things you can do to get it ready.

  1. Clean-up: After fall and winter, it’s time to clean up your lawn. Use a rake to pick up all of the leaves and debris left from last fall. This will give you a chance to check all of your tools and equipment to see if you need to upgrade or update anything. When your lawn is as clean as possible, it will be easier to maintain all spring and summer. Cleaning your lawn will also allow you to see where the ‘trouble’ spots are; where you need to fertilize or plant. Re-seed the bare patches using a combination of fertilizer and compost. This will give your lawn the boost it needs and give it the nutrients to start growing. If you’re not sure where to get compost you can contact a landscaper in Charlotte.  If you do not have a composter in your yard, this might be a good time to think about starting one; it’s easy and is extremely environmentally friendly. They can be purchased almost anywhere, including home improvement stores.
  2. Aerate your lawn: Aerating your lawn will give it the oxygen, nutrients and water to seep into your lawn. The soil will be saturated with these ingredients, and the result is a lawn that grows greener, and more luscious. There are a couple of ways to aerate your lawn; you can do it yourself by purchasing a kit from your local hardware store or nursery; or, you could hire a landscaper in Charlotte, NC to do it for you. As in most situations, hiring a professional may be a better avenue than to do it yourself.
  3. Mulch & fertilize: Mulching and fertilizing will provide the necessary nutrients to your lawn that will keep it in top shape all season long. It also helps to keep it stable and fresh for the next spring season. It protects your lawn from the damage of pests and animals that could damage your lawn; not to mention the elements of winter. You can mulch and fertilize your lawn by purchasing products from a nursery; or, you could hire a Charlotte custom landscaping company to help you. Sometimes, hiring an expert can get things done faster and better.

If you don’t feel you have the time to get your lawn ready for spring, there are options for you. Calling a professional landscape company in NC will give you the expertise you need to make your lawn look the best it can be. After a long winter, whether it’s mild or harsh needs some TLC to make it look great all summer long. Your grass, plants, and vegetables will thank you when they flourish throughout the spring and summer.

Hyatt Landscaping can help get your lawn and garden spring ready. Visit the website today for information about their range of services.

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