Summer is the time of joy and celebration as the winter is over and with the start of this season, as far as the eye can see you’ll observe bright flowers packed with sweet fragrance in the air. The sunshine, the chirping of birds, joyful cries of children playing and summer rain adds color to life. Summer is the peak season in which plants, trees, flowers and shrubs grow in abundance due to the perfect combination of sunlight, rain, air and the perfect temperature. The seeds or flower roots are planted in the late winter or early spring so that by the time summer season is in full swing, they also started to grow.
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Wide range of plants and shrubs are available for you to grow in your garden during the season. These can be different fruits and vegetables, flowers, shrubs, grass and many other varieties of plants. There are many beautiful shrubs for you to grow but few are such that not only adds color to your garden but also lasts longer that is till the first winter fall. Some of the shrubs that bloom in Charlotte NC during summer are as follows:
The Butterfly Bush:
This plant blooms from summer till winter’s first fall. If someone like lilacs, he/she will love the Butterfly bush because of its resemblance. The name given to this particular shrub is because blooms are grown within it in abundance which attracts butterflies.
Carolina Allspice:
This is a flower that isn’t very common but is very beautiful having spicy scent. It can easily be grown in full or partial sunlight. It can be easily taken care of hence is gaining popularity for its exclusive shape and smell.
Rose Of Sharon:
This flower blooms in midsummer and last till first fall. If you’re looking for a shrub that survives even the ferocious summer heat than the Rose of Sharon is the best choice. Regular trimming is suggested as it grows fast and often resembles to a small tree. The flowers that blossom have a tropical look which seems beautiful.
These are some common shrubs that bloom in Charlotte NC. Along with these, there are many others which add life and color to your garden.